image of a tree with a yellow ribbon tied around it in a bow to honor our troops overseas.
Pray for our soldiers!



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animated image of American flag waving in the breeze

Dad /Grandpa
click here for a
Slide-show Tribute
to our beloved
Dad & Grandpa
who left us on
April 3rd 2005



New!  Before And AFter FitKick Comparison

Easter 2005 pictures

Family Portraits over the years

Check it out! Wilson's Karate And Fitness

 Iraqi Freedom Poem here

Football Pix

2003 Varsity Football Schedule

Homecoming Pix

Varsity football players and our little boys at play

Teens Do NOT click here! WARNING!

Sheri's Spring - Summer 2003 News

Easter 2003, 2002, 2001

Winter News 2003

Fall News 2002 page - Sports

 Summer News page 2002

Birth of baby Jared 10-29-97

Come see the boyz!  (click)

Click here to see the girls!

Baby Jared's Newborn Album

Birth of baby Janae 5-5-2000

Baby Janae's Photo Album


Christmas 2001 Pictures here!

First Baby - Last Baby Comparison