Jessica's News

2005-2006 Sophomore school picture


Mentor Christian School Dec. 1995

5 months old


The following was written 4 years ago by Jessica:

Hey! My name is Jessica  and this is my webpage. I am fourteen and I suppose a lot of people would say I have a huge family. I have eight brothers and three sisters.

We just had a teen revival at my church and it was a blast! I have a friend from my cross-country team who came with me every night. She was in a lot of my classes last year and whenever the subject of God came up, she would not be very open. Well when she came to my church, she had many questions and she listened very carefully. She even brought her sister and her sister’s friend! I kept on praying for her and every night I tried to ask her what she thought of the message.

I was thrilled when she started asking me things about the bible and what she was hearing. As every night went by, I was wondering if she would ever believe the Bible and become a Christian.

When Friday night came around I still had hope but I was doubtful. I was talking to some of my church friends and saying thank you to the evangelist, Tim Thompson when Brittany Thompson (Tim’s wife.) came by. All week long, she had been encouraging me to keep witnessing to my friend and she would talk with her just to make her more comfortable. She smiled at me and said “Rachel just got saved” I looked at her in unbelief. I said “What?” She smiled again and told me to go talk to her.

I needed no other prompting. I almost ran to find her and I grabbed her arm. I asked her if she had made a decision and she smiled and said yes. She said she was saved. I was soooo happy!!!! She had to leave right then so nothing more was said but when I went back to Mrs. Thompson we both felt like dancing.

2004-2005 Freshman school picture


My sister Joy, friend Tabitha, me, friend Amanda, and my sister Joanna