Our New Baby


Janae Michaela McFarland

(Jan-ay’ Mik-ay’-la)
12th born child of Mike & Sheri

Born on: May 5, 2000

  At: 8:20am  Weight: 6 lbs 8.9 oz   Length: 19”



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Janae at 3 days old



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Janae at 4 weeks old



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2 months old

11 weeks old

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Laughing (4 months)  9/16/00

Typing (4 months) 9/16/00

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Sitting up alone for the very first time!  1o/1/00

5 months old

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6 months old! November 10, 2000

7 months old. 12/10/2000
Baby's First Christmas

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8 months old. 1/15/01
Pulling up to stand for
the first time

Janae (9 mos. old)
with our new puppy 
"Misty" (8 wks. old)   

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Janae 11 mos. old
with Misty 14 weeks

Janae's 1st Birthday May 5, 2001

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Janae 13 mos June 2001

Finally walking well - 14 mos

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Precious Moments™ expression
(those huge eyes of hers)
First hotdog - 15 months
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In the woods with brother Jared
16 months
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2-1/2 years old on Mom's chair  3 years old