Family News - Summer Summary 2002

Jeremy wins at Bingo

Elders enjoy old pictures on my notebook PC

     Water play, swimming, family reunions, softball games, picnics and sports injuries seem to sum up our summer so far. I love summer in spite of mosquitoes, sunburn and heat rash. It wouldn't be nearly so much fun if it weren't for air conditioning for relief after just too much summer heat. :-)

     I took my new notebook PC to the reunion and the older folks enjoyed seeing old family pictures that a family member just happened to have with him on a CD-R disk. Lets hear it for technology!

The Dog took Jared For A Tumble Incident

     Jared broke the radius bone in his forearm when Misty took him for a run down the front stairs. He has to spend 5 weeks of his summer in a cast. We are trying to make it as easy on him as possible, but he has managed to soak it twice. We had to spend hours drying it with a hair dryer. :-(

The Church Softball Game Injuries

     Not only did Jared break his arm, but Mike got hit in the eye with a softball at a church league softball game. This caused a concussion that damaged his hearing. We pray it is not permanent.

     The next summer injury, after Mike's hit in the eye, was a pulled or torn muscle in Mike's leg at a church league softball game. He had it checked out at the emergency room. They told him to follow up with a specialist so he did. He healed just fine and is back to playing softball.

     A week after Mike got hit in the eye little Janae walked between 2 of her sisters when they were tossing a softball back and forth and she got hit in the eye. Her black eye matched her Daddy's.   OUCH! 

The Parade Ran Over My Kid Incident

July 11, 2002     The next summer injury was poor Josiah's. He and some of his siblings marched in a parade with their theater arts group and he fell in the path of their float. The trailer ran over his arm and leg. He was rushed to the hospital by emergency squad where they took numerous x-rays. They said it looked like no bones were broken. For 2 weeks we thought there were no broken bones. His elbow looked strange, however, and our pediatrician sent him to a bone specialist. He found a small fracture next to the growth plate in his arm so he put his arm in a cast for 3 weeks.

     Josiah's cast was put on the same day that Jared's was removed. The nurses and office workers at the doctor's office commented about it. We sure kept that doctor busy this summer. He was the one who checked out Mike's leg too!

The toddler locked inside the min-van incident

August 3, 2002     Jared is extremely active. He is tender and sweet though. He impulsively locked Janae in my dad's mini-van at our church softball game where Mike, Joe and Josh were playing last Saturday. My dad left his keys in it and Janae got in through the open sliding door.

     After Jared closed and locked the doors she couldn't pop up the locks. After my dad and I tried unsuccessfully to coach her to unlock the doors, I had no choice but to call 911 on a cell phone. (How embarrassing) Along came a rescue squad. The EMTs saw my little smiling tot standing in the back seat watching the commotion and decided to wait until a policeman arrived to unlock the door with that flat tool they use.     

     I kept playing peek-a-boo with her and making "The Face" on the window to keep her from getting too frightened and for the most part it worked. At one point she acted like she was getting mad at me for not opening up the door. It was bad enough that a rescue squad showed up there, but then the park ranger came and started picking the lock. He was a super nice guy and told us that the same thing happened with a 2 year old there at the park the week before. While he was working on the lock, a huge firetruck showed up! That was ridiculous. I could understand the squad I guess... in case the child became over-heated. (she wasn't really in it long enough for that) but a huge firetruck? sheese!

     Janae never cried during the whole thing! As soon as the door was open I scooped her up and she looked puzzled by all the attention she was getting. Jared was so distraught through the whole thing. He kept crying and yelling "I'm sorry Nay!" I tried to comfort him by telling him a policeman was coming to get the doors open and he cried harder and said "Am I going to go to jail?"  To top it all off, my big guys lost the game by one run.

Sheri's Birthday

      My birthday this year was exceptional! My family got me new parts for my computer and I upgraded the main components: motherboard, CPU, and memory. It is an awesome computer!
     Our oldest son bought me a new notebook computer for my birthday. I never dreamed that I would have one and it's sure a sweet present! It is a
Compaq 725us. It has a mobile Athlon 4 1600+ CPU and 256MB memory. 4X AGP graphics with 16-32MB shared video memory. DVD/CD-RW combo drive, floppy and PCMCIA slots.
     Mike got me a case for the notebook PC. Targus Blacktop Computer Case.

The beagle pup in the picture is not ours. It belongs to a friend of ours but Janae adored them.



Jared's cast



Josiah's cast

My single rose
Mike got me a rose bush for Mother's Day and it bloomed in June with a single beautiful rose.

Birthday 2002
Sheri with her new notebook  PC