Sheri's Spring and Summer News 2003

G.E.D. testing gear

     G.E.D. Graduation ceremony 2000
Mom and son graduate together.
(The ceremony was several weeks following the G.E.D. testing in case you are wondering about the age of the baby in this picture :-)



   What lies ahead for my classes:

Fall semester:

August 25th
Introduction to Business
(at the college)

Business Telecommunications (online)

October 21st

Programming Logic
(at the college)


        I am taking a big step this spring / summer! I am going back to school! After 12 kids and many years of learning on my own, I am going to make my very first attempt at college! I won't tell you how old I am, but I had my first child when I was 22 years old and he is now the age I was when I had him. ;-)

     Just three weeks after I had my 12th baby, I got my G.E.D. certificate. It was a happy occasion and I graduated with my oldest son who was 20 at the time. The Adult education department of our school district made a big exception for me and allowed me to bring my newborn baby with me when I took my test. I had her in a baby sling and she was no hindrance whatsoever.  I quit high school at age 18 after being in so many schools I lost interest. In my junior year I was in 4 different high schools and all together was in 25 different schools during my childhood. All I know I pretty much learned on my own. I was an avid reader and that saved my bacon.

     Shortly after I had my 10th child, I became fascinated with computers. I don't know what drew me to them back then. I knew absolutely nothing about them. I started looking at ads in the papers for computers and bought a couple of basic books about them. Finally in June of 1996 I went shopping with my dad for a P.C. of my own. When I brought my new computer home, I unpacked it and followed the easy quick step set up and then stepped back and asked myself "Where do I turn it on?" I tried asking a couple of computer literate people I knew a few basic questions, and after being rebuffed for infringing on their *ahem*, valuable time, and admonished to take some basic computer classes someplace, I did what I knew to do when I don't know what to do.  I prayed for God's help in learning about computers. This proved to be the right thing to do because He has helped me to learn more than any one else I know could have taught me! I now build my own computers and have a nice little  home network of my home built computers.  I have a lot to learn though, so here I go!

     I hope to earn an Associates Degree in Business, Information Systems - Internet Programming. I thought about taking Windows Networking, but I may have a better chance of working at least part of the time from my home with Internet programming. It seems to be the way that the Lord is leading right now. I know that I have a long way to go, but computers are the third love of my life. (God is first, my family is second.) I believe that we are finished having babies now and my youngest can do without me for a few hours at a time so the time seems right. 

     I don't know what it will be like to have to take basic things like Introduction to Windows and Introduction to the Internet after using Win95, 98 and now XP home for so long. I have to start math with pre-algebra because that is where I placed in my entrance test. I have a great tutor at home though. My 18 year old son is very good with algebra. Next year I will take the real deal algebra. (on to programming someday? only God knows but I think it would be fun!)

Update 5-20-03

     Wow, I am learning so much that I did not know by taking these online classes. The HTML class will really be a challenge. I am going to have to work at this course even though it is the very first basic class in HTML.

     I am even learning lots of neat little things about MS Office XP that I have not learned on my own. I am glad I am doing this!

Update 7-18-03

     Introduction to Windows XP is not as super easy as I expected. There are many little terms that you wouldn't think of without taking the class. You have to know them all to pass Microsoft Certification tests so it is a very good thing to learn. It is not enough to know how you use Windows, you need to learn all of the ways available to use it, and there are a few things you don't just learn by using it. Once again, I am learning a lot and I am still glad I am taking these classes!

I am finished with Introduction to HTML Programming, Computers and Information Processing, Internet Introduction and Research Tool, and English Composition I. I am half way through Introduction to Web Design, Introduction to Microsoft Windows, and Using an HTML editor (MS. Front Page and Macromedia Dreamweaver) and Pre-Algebra. My children have been very patient with my spending so much more time at my computer. They like to call me either a "Geek" or a "Computer nerd." I tell them that I am not yet worthy of that title , but I hope to be eventually. I turned it around on them! Ha!

3 years old! Not a baby any more